Tuesday, March 3, 2009

blood vessels pop

exams around the corner *screams omgg hari ni ada english , science and maths . I'm currently studying science and hafaling the structure of the human eye . thats the structure up there :) well actually exams just in a few hours . wish me luck peeps [:

okay so heres the slight catch . we have to study form one science too and let me tell you that im too lazy to do so . but i still have to and i did . (chehh rajin punya anak murid) okay so i have to go continue study . good luck tasha :)

lovess , tasha :B

banshee-like screeching

okay so im msn-ing with rafiq . i think hes'e sleepy . anyways , i was just watching wild child for the 66th time (haha no) and so i was just thinking to post their picture on my blog :) anyways . today was my first day of my march exam . it was okay i must say . BM was a piece of cake . i just wasnt ready for the novel part . but its okay , i nailed it . (kecoh je) okay so then doom dooom , sejarah . to be frank it was easy . i just couldnt answer the last page because i didnt study that part . haha . i want to watch a movie this weekend . any recomendations ?

moving on . today saramah was trying to pick on me i guess . she tuduh me for cheating on my test . whaa ? -.- i was just changing my seating . i wasnt comfortable just staring blankly infront . geez .

loves , tasha :B

Monday, March 2, 2009

tick tick tick

hello peeps :)
its been ages since i've updated my blog . I think 7th february ? well for startes my birthday was quite OKAY i must say . i didnt really celebrate . on the 28th i went to sunway with shasha , rafiq and qhairyl . ohmygosh it was awesome ! well we did nothing but walk around like a bunch of bafoons .
anyways , exams next week . OH GOD , I'm nervous *bites nails . i dont mean that literally .

These past few weeks since my last blog update were absolutely boring . february ; boring . I'm finally discovered that butt knuckles do not exist . HAHA

oh right . valentines day was awesome . i spent it in school la . i made a basket of cupcakes and brought them to school . and i made a and ful of valentines cards for my dearests<3 i went upstairs to class and whos faces do i see ? HAHA ; rafiq , qhairyl and raja . well actually i asked rafiq to go wait there i nak bagi cupcakes . but saramah envyed me and ugut to take them away form me . so i then asked the canteen kakak to put them in the fridge so i could eat them and spread the love masa rehat . so i jumpa dorang and i just sayed hi and told them cupcakes takde . then they lalu my class and raja pnggil i and rafiq tnya " qhairyl tanya mana cards tu ? " then i said " oh yeah . old on a minute " i gave them and i think they were happy . so anyways masa balik skolah rafiq called me tanya " boleh kluar tak ? " (ajak prgi sunway) so blablabla " takboleh " blablablabablablabla . rafiq told me to go outside my house and they were there . tibatiba dorang bgi valentines present . haha baik gila . so blablabla threat threat threat . the end about valentines .

okay so here i am , sitting down . typing and back spacing . i am clearly blank . so here i go heading of to hit the books :) GOOD DAY MATES .